Driving Around: A trip to Roosevelt Island

Yesterday, we shared with you a few listings from The Octagon on Roosevelt Island:

– a well designed alcove studio;
– a spacious one bedroom;
– a corner two bedroom two bathroom;
– and a really nice three bedroom three bath.

And today, we drove to the island to document one of the few ways to get there from Manhattan. Really easy.

We started our video (see below) on the corner of Lexington Avenue and East 63rd Street, right by the entrance to the F train subway station (it is just a one stop on this line to get you to the island under East River, if you so prefer), and ended it just in front of 888 Main Street (The Octagon building address).

In the rush hour of 2 PM, it took us exactly 15 minutes via the upper level (route strongly recommended) of the Queensboro Bridge. Here is a compressed version of this short and comfortable trip: