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Studio at 1812 Second Avenue, #5-RS is a cute little den, and a quite typical one you can find in many New York City townhouses. So today we have decided to take some measurements and furnish it for you. The idea was to keep it spacious, fun, and affordable. And we have picked a couple (who would share a bed) as our role models to occupy it. Take a look.
Here is what we have to work with:
Looking for some inspiration, we came across this existing design:
Living Room by Pizzigati Designs – eco chic interiors
Please, note: the above picture comes from a different apartment, located somewhere in Midtown East, but this particular wall shares many similarities with ours.
(for a) Midtown East client who wanted a space saving design while keeping it colorful and fun!
Space saving design? Here you go, fits into our space perfectly. Colorful and fun? Sure!
More decor, including your bedtime suite and dining area – by our design – on page 2
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